Two publications have appeared on the experimental replica of a potter's wheel made in the LTT.
Neth, B. and E. Hasaki. 2021. The Ancient Greek… [read more]
- Luke Kaiser, Ph.D. student in the Mediterranean Archaeology Concentration, has been named the 2018 Richard Seager Fellow for the Institute for… [read more]
- LTT CoDirector Eleni Hasaki and Rachel DeLozier published an experimental archaeology project on the largest terracotta statue from the Bronze… [read more]
- LTT Intern Stephanie Martin published a summary of her M.A. thesis in a chapter titled “Abandoning Akrotiri (Thera): A comparative model… [read more]
- Our beloved colleague, and LTT founder, Dr. Michael Schiffer has graciously agreed to sell some of his wonderful creations to benefit the Louie and… [read more]
- Acorn Oil Rendering and the Adoption of Pottery in the Upper Great Lakes Kelsey Hanson School of Anthropology As an abundant and easily storable… [read more]
- Like frogs around a pond: Reconstructing the Rituals of Ancient Greek Maritime Religion Amelia Brown, University of Queensland May 1, 2017, 12:00… [read more]
- Patterns in Prehistory is a class predicated on exposing undergraduate students at the University of Arizona to a variety of traditions and cultures… [read more]
- LTT Resident Ceramics Instructor FALL 2016 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) For her second year in a row Tucson potter Cynthia Jones with extensive… [read more]
- LTT once again hosted an open house in conjunction with the Fall 2016 Friends of Anthropology Celebration. LTT Ceramics Resident Potter Cynthia Jones… [read more]